About Cara Goubault

Cara is an American expat who has lived in France since 1998. Trained as a psychotherapist in the United States, she obtained a second master’s degree in France in Psychology.

Cara has been providing psychotherapy to children, adolescents, and adults for over 25 years both in France and in the United States, in private practice and in institutions. She has also been a mental health supervisor and teacher in French institutions (hospitals, schools, and associations).

painting from Sonya Sklaroff

She has obtained additional certification in the treatment of eating disorders and addictions, child psychotherapy, and psychosomatic issues (physical manifestations of psychological stress).

Trained in psychoanalysis❯, she can provide either short term strategic psychotherapy or longer-term in-depth work including analysis.

Cara is a member of the International Psychanalytic Studies Organization, a branch of the International Psychoanalytic Association ( I.P.A ). This affiliation requires intensive personal analysis, regular supervision, and clinical seminars and provides ethics of practice guidelines❯.

She is referenced by the french psychotherapist directory ADELI (A.R.S. 569390016 (Morbihan), 440012037 (Loire Atlantique)).